How To Clean Gym Equipment Properly

Smiling young woman disinfects and cleans gym equipment in fitness facility.

A fitness center is more than just a place where people go to get fit; it symbolizes growth, development, and self-improvement. Unfortunately, it can also be a hotspot for germs and bacteria if proper cleaning procedures are not implemented. That is why it is crucial for gym owners to keep their patrons safe by knowing the best practices on how to clean gym
equipment properly. 

Germs Love Gyms

Gyms and fitness centers are notoriously busy in the beginning months of a new year. Because of this influx of new members and gym-goers, it’s more important than ever to make sure that your facility has proper cleaning procedures in place. While there will always be places for germs and bacteria to fester, germs tend to thrive in gym settings because of their environment. From the common cold to COVID-19 or MRSA, there could be any number of illness-causing bacteria and viruses lurking on or around your gym equipment.

Here are some of the biggest hot spots for germs and bacteria in your gym:

  • Water fountains
  • Locker rooms
  • Showers
  • Gym mats and yoga mats
  • Cardio equipment 
  • Sanitizing stations
  • Weight machines and free weights

And while you may have sanitation efforts in place (i.e. employees cleaning equipment or sanitizing wipes near machines for members) it still may not be enough. That is why in the next section we will be sharing the top tips on how to clean gym equipment thoroughly.

Tips On Cleaning Gym Equipment

Depending on the size or type of gym you have, you will likely have different methods to make sure that your equipment is cleaned and sanitized properly. Whatever procedures you currently have in place, here are some extra tips to make sure that you are keeping your equipment clean and your patrons safe!

1. Come up with cleaning procedures and post signs everywhere. You have likely been to a gym before that has the cleaning rules posted throughout the facility. This is so members know what’s expected of them once they are done using the equipment. In an ideal world, members would clean their equipment or cardio machine before and after their workouts, but this method uses the honor system and should not be the only method you rely on for keeping your gym equipment clean.

2. Focus on deep cleaning specific areas regularly.  Depending on the type of gym you run, you probably have a team that consists of sales people, front desk staff, and personal trainers. You should decide ahead of time if you are going to have existing employees perform cleaning duties or if you will have a role that is designed just for cleaning. Many gyms will have every employee helping out with cleaning duties, which can make a huge difference. 

3. Wash your hands before and after cleaning your gym equipment. Regardless of who is doing the cleaning, be sure to implement procedures that your employees can follow. For example, make sure your team knows to wash their hands before and after cleaning equipment. Remember that proper hand washing means washing your hands with soap and warm water for at least twenty seconds.

4. Choose effective cleaning and disinfectant products. You can have all the best cleaning practices in place but if you aren’t using products that work, your efforts will not be worthwhile. Be sure to choose disinfectants that are safe for gym equipment and are proven to eliminate germs, bacteria, and viruses that are known to lurk around gyms.

5. Teach your staff how to properly clean and disinfect machines and equipment. Once you have found disinfectants and cleaning products that work, be sure to show your employees how to clean gym equipment properly. For example, if you decide on disinfecting wipes, make sure that they know that every surface should be wiped in the same direction to prevent contamination of back and forth movements.

Professional Cleaning and Disinfection Services 

Let’s face it, a successful gym is based on the amount of monthly members that continue to come back time and time again. If your gym is dirty or unsanitized, members will notice and may not come back. That is why it’s more important than ever to provide a clean and safe workout environment for your patrons. The tips we shared above will help to maintain cleanliness and disinfection throughout the day, but the best way to guarantee a healthier environment is by utilizing the services of a professional cleaning service such as Coverall. Our team maximizes cleanliness by using our Core 4 Process, the most advanced Health-Based Cleaning system.

If you would like to discuss your cleaning needs with Coverall, give us a call today or request a free quote online!